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Student Blog

A new beginning is experienced each moment, at any time, we can stop and completely change direction for better or worse. It takes dedication, motivation, support, and research to get to the bottom of an issue and take action to resolve it.

Here at Assuaged were a team and community of individuals from all different backgrounds and lifestyles that choose to move towards longevity to be our healthiest!

We know that it’s crucial to have a supportive network to keep focused and on track with goals and morals. We’re taking the road less traveled, which can make one feel alienated at gatherings, restaurants, even the grocery store!

Desiring foods and environments that are planet and animal-conscious friendly should be the norm, not the exception. Being part of a like-minded community confirms we are not alone or on the wrong path.

Healthy Life sign with road background

These experiences occur because we are ahead of the curve in a transitional state, while out-dated industries and practices fade out.

Together we’re making a difference inside and out, and sharing is crucial to spread the message and strengthen the positive vibrations!

Still have questions? Please send us an 
email or give us a call at (650) 538-6633.

Be your healthiest and live longer!

Female hands holding an aubergine above table of vegetables


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

Our health concepts are simple and easy to implement into your every day life. 

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