Aretha Jianna Gani
Public Health Intern
My name is Aretha; I grew up in Indonesia with a loving and simple family who is very supportive. I’m very grateful to live such a comfortable life and able to study abroad. I’m currently working on my associate degree in Whatcom community college and planning to transfer to a University majoring in either Food Science or Nutrition next year.
I love to be inspired through stories. When I did community service, I talked to the elders at the Nursing home. They gave me so many inspirations and stories I’ve never heard about. It was beautiful. Being inspired allows me to dream bigger.
One of the reasons I decided to pursue a degree in Nutrition is because I read stories about how Michelle Obama grew healthy foods to create a better environment, especially for children. I wanted to give our next generations, the children, a better future by helping them grow healthily. I have a little sister, she’s 8, and I’m 19. It’s a far age difference, but I love her so much, and I believe every parent, sibling, or significant other wants the best for each other.
Health can lead to happiness we all dream of. I hope we can bring people better lives and share happiness with the world.