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Student Blog

Assuaged Intern


Jose Diaz

Assuaged Foundation, Inc.

Public Health Intern

Hello everyone! My name is Jose Diaz, and I am excited and happy to be a part of Assuaged Foundation as an intern. I am looking to complete my masterโ€™s program at the University of Nevada, Reno Public Health School online program. Iโ€™ve always been interested in helping people, having worked in various fields associated with improving the human condition, including child development, behavioral support, and social work. I decided to study public health as it would allow me to combine all these experiences and open up the door to a wider possibility of employment opportunities where I may continue to help others.

Aside from my time studying I am a full-time employee working in case management and social work serving the special needs population. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, which I try to do at least once a week. I also enjoy learning new things and spend the rest of my time doing graphic design or playing my guitar. These activities allow me to relax and take my mind off the stress associated with my line of work.