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Allison Bifone

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Hello! My name is Allison Bifone, and I am excited to be part of Assuaged. I am pursuing a Master's in Public Health at George Washington University - Milliken Institute School of Public Health, which I will complete December 2024. I am passionate about directly impacting people's lives by providing health outreach and education to help change their health behaviors and bridge equity gaps. Originally I was on the premed track at my undergraduate university in hopes of pursuing medicine, but in my final year I realized I wanted to work more directly with communities to address health gaps that cannot be treated in a medical facility, leading me to pursue public health. I also enjoy baking, hiking and spending time with my friends and family. I am looking forward to learning new technical skills to help launch my future career in Public Health.

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Did you know certain foods can cause increased bodily inflammation? Nourish your body with kinder and cleaner non-processed foods such as dark leafy greens, superfoods, fruits, root vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and healthy oils.

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