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Student Blog

We are immensely grateful to our advocates for their generous contributions of time. Your advocacy allows us to educate America's most vulnerable — including but not limited to the chronically ill, elderly, disabled, and military communities.

Together, we address complex health issues through our digital plant-based health hub Assuaged. We continue to productively leverage our resources in efforts to provide state-of-the-art health technology, services, and programs.

With support from our advocates, we are able to fund new and existing programs and services in response to emerging needs – all with quality as we continue to help consumers combat the global burden of chronic disease.

We would like to thank everyone who has been part of our journey.


What our advocates think

Abigail the Advocate Outside

I love Assuaged and all they stand for. A healthy diet is important for all people, especially for people living with medical conditions. I have Down Syndrome and was able to overcome the need for a feeding tube by eliminating dairy and gluten from my diet.

Advocacy is the key to driving change.

We advocate for health and wellness for all people. Assuaged advocates are a team of social impact strategists, influencers, curators, and practitioners who are advancing compassion and sustainability while helping to eradicate the cruelties to people and animals.


Choose to advocate with us because we're loyal, kind, and real.