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Sawaira Niaz

Assuaged Foundation, Inc.

Management Information's System Intern

My name is Sawaira Niaz, and I am currently pursuing a major in Management Information Systems. I have a deep passion for technology and its application in solving real-world business challenges. My hobbies reflect this interest, as I enjoy exploring the latest trends in technology, learning new programming languages, and working on personal projects that enhance my technical skills. I also have a keen interest in data analysis, which I often explore through various online courses and practical applications.

Currently, I am interning at Assuaged Foundation Inc. as a Management Information Systems Intern. This experience has been invaluable in providing me with hands-on experience in the field, where I have been able to apply my academic knowledge to real-world scenarios. At Assuaged Foundation, I have been involved in various projects that have allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of how information systems can be leveraged to improve organizational efficiency and decision-making processes.

Looking forward, my goal is to further develop my expertise in Management Information Systems, with a particular focus on data analytics and business intelligence. I aspire to work in a role where I can contribute to the strategic decision-making process of an organization by providing insights derived from data. I am also interested in exploring opportunities in the field of cybersecurity, as I believe it is a critical aspect of modern information systems.

Through my academic pursuits, internship experiences, and personal projects, I am committed to continuously learning and evolving in the dynamic field of Management Information Systems, and I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.

Email: sawairaniaz6969@gmail.com