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Stephon Ross Assuaged

Stephon Ross

Assuaged, Inc.

Nutrition & Content

My name is Stephon Laron Ross, and I was born in San Francisco Oakland in a family that had a long history with the military. My mom worked on a fighter jet carrier ship operating the radio in the tower and my dad was the guy who flagged down the fighter jets for them to land on the same carrier ship. Being part of a military type of family, I moved around a lot, so pre-college school was all over the place for that type of situation. I recall going to four different high schools, but I did graduate on time for high school as a whole due to hard work and dedication. When I got into college, my family's moving antics slowed down dramatically because I think they knew that would look bad for me professionally and make things hard on me. Regardless, my family wanted me to get an education so that is what I've been about all my life along with running a lot in my P.E. class, and for high school, I played soccer my freshman year and played track and field for my senior year coupled with receiving a track and field award. 

My drive stems not only from my family but from leaders such as Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King. As Douglass stated, "Once you learn to read you will be forever free," "Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave," "Without a struggle, there can be no progress." Coupled with the philosophy of King's ideals to solve discrimination and separation of ideas with love, not hate is what keeps me grounded daily. Education is what saved Douglass's life, and without King, I probably wouldn't be able to get a decent education. In honor of the leaders previously mentioned, I went on to capture six honor society certifications, make the deans list multiple times, volunteered with the salvation army coupled with the Inter-faith food shuttle and more, shadowed nutrition technicians, and renal dietitians, and interned with Assuaged in my college run. Rather it is at Wake Technical Community College, North Carolina Central University, I continue to have the drive to achieve the highest education while growing along the way. Right now in 2020, I am working on getting my bachelors, but I'm holding out for my doctorate! More specifically, I'm trying to achieve a high education in the field of dietetics to help facilitate becoming a registered dietitian nutritionist who specializes in diabetes or any other disease that's hurting the human race. One thing to note, before 2024 you only need a bachelor's degree to become an RDN, after 2024 you need a master's degree, regardless I'm aiming for a doctorate! The beautiful thing about this biography is that by the time you read this, my resume and status might have changed or grown but as I wrote this, this is what I feel I was able to speak on at this moment in time so, in a sense, this is only the beginning in my eyes.