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Colloidal Silver is made using electrolysis to suspend metallic silver. This material is used to deal with a number of medical ailments. While modern medicine may not espouse the benefits of colloidal silver just yet, more and more studies are showing this tonic deserves a place in any natural living enthusiast’s medicine cabinet.


Here are fifteen fantastic advantages of, and uses for, colloidal silver including cautionary information:


    Colloidal silver is a great natural antibiotic, thanks to its antimicrobial powers. It turns out that this isn’t a recent finding – silver has been used since ancient Roman and Greek times to preserve foods and drinks!

    This effective liquid may destroy fungal diseases, viruses, and germs.
    2011 research states that colloidal silver nanoparticles have the potential to be an effective alternative to conventional antifungal treatments for Candida-related conditions.

    A Taiwanese study also discovered that colloidal silver can eradicate the anti-biotic resistant superbugs MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It’s also highly effective when used in conjunction with antibiotics against MRSA and Staph infections.
    In fact, scientists in the 1980s discovered 650 different types of pathogens that were rapidly destroyed when exposed to small amounts of silver.

    Use colloidal silver topically to relieve the pain and discomfort caused by inflammation and swelling, speed up healing and aid recovery.

    Thanks to its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, colloidal silver can soothe and cure eye infections like pink eye, conjunctivitis and sties.

    Treatment couldn’t be easier. Simply add two or three drops of colloidal silver to the eye, and repeat three to four times daily. If you prefer, you can use it as an eyewash or spray it gently over the eyes instead.

    Ear infections can sometimes be caused by several different types of bacteria, or even fungus. In these cases, prescription drugs may be ineffective – as they are designed to work against specific classes of bacteria.

    Here’s where colloidal silver comes in! Because it kills so many types of bacteria and fungus, it offers a more promising remedy. It even works for swimmers’ ear.
    Add two drops of colloidal silver to the affected ear once or twice a day until symptoms clear up.

    Colloidal silver stimulates skin and tissue healing while reducing inflammation, meaning it’s a perfect treatment for minor cuts and scrapes.

    Furthermore, a research article, published in Pharmacognosy Communications, recommends that colloidal silver be seriously considered for topical use in treating burns.

    Psoriasis, pimples, blackheads, white heads, cysts and red, inflamed skin are all painful, uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing skin conditions.

    Whether these issues are caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, they can benefit from a silver treatment, which also helps speed the repair of damaged tissues.

    Try a nightly application of silver colloids and you should notice the effects within days.\

    Sinusitis – a continued feeling of pain or pressure in the face, and a blocked nose – can seriously affect the quality of life. Painkillers, steroids and antibiotics are some of the conventional cures prescribed for this nasty condition, but these aren’t without their own unwanted side-effects.

    Thankfully, natural remedies can be just as potent. Colloidal silver has been found to be effective when used as a nasal spray, according to a 2014 study published in the International Forum for Allergy and Rhinology.

    Tilt your head back and pour a few drops into your nasal cavity or add it to a neti pot, which is specifically designed to flush out the sinuses.

    Because it is such a potent antimicrobial, colloidal silver may help reduce the length and severity of colds and flu.

    Decongestants are one of the most common drugs prescribed to deal with symptoms of colds and flu, yet the Italian Drug Agency warns against the use of these drugs in children under twelve years of age.

    For this reason, a study was carried out to evaluate the effects of colloidal silver and beta-glucan mix versus a saline solution on nasal congestion in children. Researchers found that, even though both groups improved significantly, 90% of the colloidal silver group completely recovered, versus just 66% of the saline group.

    According to Dr. Axe, antibiotics are limited in their ability to fight bronchitis or pneumonia. And naturally, when the pneumonia is viral, antibiotics won’t help at all.

    Of course, colloidal silver can fight a variety of pathogens so may be an effective treatment in this case.

    It works when ingested internally or when breathed into the lungs using a nebulizer. Axe says one teaspoon of colloidal silver three times daily for 10 to 15 minutes can clear these conditions up within a couple of days!


    Gargling with silver is a fantastic way to pick up and remove the pathogens in your throat causing you all that pain!

    Gargle with one to two tablespoons of the stuff for up to two minutes. Repeat this up to five times per day until recovered. Remember to spit it out in order to remove the microbes from your body! You can also use colloidal silver as a throat spray, administering several times a day.

    This healing liquid doesn’t just cure humans – it can be a fantastic natural remedy for our four legged friends too.

    For dogs, use it for infections, minor cuts and wounds, eye and ear infections and ringworm. When administering orally, 5 to 10 drops twice a day is recommended. As a wound cleaner, apply several times a day on a cotton swab. Ear infections require a few drops daily for up to ten days, while for eye infections one drop three times daily should do the trick.

    Cats can also be treated with colloidal silver. Holistic veterinarian Karen Becker recommends using it to treat feline problems like feline acne, tear stains, yeast infections, skin conditions and MRSA.

    Colloidal silver doesn’t just have medicinal uses – it can be used to kill plant fungus and other infections which destroy your beautiful flowers and crops.

    A study, published in 2010 in the journal Mycobiology, found that applying silver nanoparticles to the roots of green onion plants completely eliminated certain types of fungal infections which tend to destroy the plants.

    Add colloidal silver to the base of your plants, or mix up in a spray bottle (dilute with distilled water to 5 ppm) and apply to any affected leaves or roots.

    While buying or growing organic is best when it comes to fruits and vegetables, sometimes it’s not always possible.

    To protect yourself from what’s on conventional produce, mix up a batch of this natural colloidal silver fruit and vegetable wash.

    Add one cup of water to a half cup of vinegar, and stir in two teaspoons of salt, allowing to dissolve completely. Finally, stir in a quarter cup of colloidal silver (at 5ppm to 10ppm). Use this mix to soak your fresh produce in for five minutes before rinsing, for clean and chemical-free fruit.

    Fill your home with beautiful blooms, safe in the knowledge they will last twice as long by adding a little colloidal silver to their vase. It’s true – research has proven it!

    In 2014, scientists from the Department of Horticulture at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad found that silver particles blocked the activity of bacteria which stop nutrients and moisture from being brought to the flower head.

    When colloidal silver at 35ppm was added to the water, the flowers maintained perfect color and healthy petals for twice as long as the flowers that were left in water alone.

    Anecdotal reports say that colloidal silver is a simple and natural way to keep your home smelling fresh by removing those stubborn pet odors.

    If you have a cat who regularly ‘sprays’ or a dog who marks his territory, try dousing the area in a solution of colloidal silver. It is said to remove the odor and stop the pet marking in that spot again!

    For general pet odors, and  freshening up sofas and pet beds, mix up colloidal silver and distilled water in a bottle and lightly mist the fabric.





Colloidal silver is perfectly safe to take, once you purchase true colloidal silver.


According to one report, there are three very different silver products being sold under the name ‘colloidal silver’. These are:

  • Ionic Silver
  • Silver Protein
  • Authentic Colloidal Silver

Ionic Silver


These solutions are usually clear like water, or slightly yellow. A quick test will show you if it’s ionic silver you have – just add regular table salt to it. If the liquid turns white and cloudy, it’s an ionic silver solution.


The danger of ionic silver is low, although it is not anywhere near as potent as colloidal silver and likely won’t bring you many of the above benefits.


Silver Protein


If shaken, silver protein solution will produce a foam above the liquid that remains for several minutes – which is the best indicator of a colloidal silver knock-off.


Silver protein products tend to claim they contain very high concentration values and will typically have a color that is anywhere from light amber to black.


This is an unsafe product and should be avoided – it’s high silver content can cause argyria, a condition which turns the skin blue-gray, like this unfortunate man!


Authentic Pure Colloidal Silver


Be sure you buy the safest colloidal silver available on the market. Authentic colloidal silver won’t ever seem clear like water. The suspended particles block light and give the liquid a dark appearance.


Always keep these things in mind when picking your colloidal silver and buy from a reputable and authentic brand.


CAUTION: Before using colloidal silver internally or topically, you should check out the Silver Safety Committee’s Silver Safety Pyramid, which details guidelines for safe usage of silver supplements and consult with your health care practitioner.


ASSUAGED TIP: If you’re seeking a worthy and safe brand of Colloidal Silver, try Purest Colloids. We’ve personally used this brand and experienced great results!


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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