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7 Facts You Didn’t Know About Hemp Seed Oil


What is Hemp Seed Oil?

Hemp seeds are Sativa plant seeds, used specifically for industrial purposes. The use of hemp seeds can vary widely. They can be eaten raw, cooked, or roasted. Hemp seeds have been used for making shoes, paper, sunscreen, clothes, paper, diapers, and even beer. However, these seeds are more commonly known for their oil. [1]

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Hemp seed oil is created through cold-pressing, a similar process used to produce olive oil from olives. The darker green hemp seeds produce a grassy taste in the oil, while the lighter green seeds give a more nutty flavor.


T-H-C levels, the property in MJ products that make people high, is low in hemp seed oil. The actual MJ plant has a T-H-C concentration level of 28%. Hemp seed oil T-H-C concentrations are at 0.3%, almost 100 times less potent.


Is it Legal to Buy Hemp Seed Oil?

Due to the ever-changing laws in the United States, it can be tricky to figure out which plant products are safe to purchase. The hemp seed oil has been under fire over the past years even though it has a low T-H-C level of 0.3.


Certain blood tests show up as positive for T-H-C after eating hemp seed oil, which can be a problem for those serving in the military or athletes. Depending on the rules and regulations, some tests are only positive with a T-H-C level above 0.6 and others are positive with just the slightest amount. 


In 2018, the USDA passed the Farm Bill that labeled hemp as an agricultural product rather than a controlled substance. This means that hemp products are safe and legal to buy, as long as they meet USDA standards.

Strengthen Strands With Organic Hemp Seed Oil • SOFIA LATIF®

7 Health Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil

1. Great Source of Protein

Just as other seeds, hemp seeds pack high amounts of protein. About 3 tablespoons of hemp seed oil contain 11g of protein, having more protein than one cup of quinoa. Because of their high protein content, hemp seeds and their oil can be the perfect food to add to the vegan diet. The seeds also have the necessary amino acids, such as methionine and cysteine, for a balanced diet. 


2. Aids Digestion

Hemp seed oil is an excellent source of fiber. About 3 tablespoons of hemp hearts, or the inside part of hemp seeds, have 1.2 grams of fiber. However, the outer shell of the hemp seed has more fiber than the hemp heart. For this reason, hemp seed oil has more fiber because it contains the whole hemp seed.


3. Lowers Heart Disease Risk

One advantage of eating hemp seed oil for heart health is that it can help reduce high blood. This in turn can decrease the chances of other heart and blood problems such as blood clots and heart attacks.

In addition, seed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Many people have a high omega-6 intake and lack omega-3 fatty acids. Eating hemp seed oil can balance out the omega-6 and omega-3 ratio, creating a healthier diet.[2]


4. Beneficial For Skin

The omega-3 fatty acids found in hemp seed oil may also help people get rid of eczema and acne, as research has shown that omega-3 deficiency can cause these skin problems.

Furthermore, hemp seed oil can be used topically to reduce skin dryness. When applied, the seed oil moisturizes and hydrates skin without causing damage. The oil is great at improving the oil production in skin pores. [3]  


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5. Promotes Healthy Brains

High magnesium and omega-3 fatty acid counts in hemp seed oil help maintain a healthy hormone balance in the brain and body. A review from Medical News Today mentioned that the Hemp Oil component can help lower the chances of developing Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer's disease. [4]  


6. Reduces Anxiety and Stress

Recent studies have also shown that the MJ in hemp seed oil can help reduce anxiety and depression. In fact, other Hemp Oil products are taken by patients as alternative antidepressants. Hemp oil may also help with stress and muscle tension. 


7. May Offer Pain-Relieving Properties

The oil extracted from hemp seeds may offer pain relief given its anti-inflammatory properties. People can use hemp seed oil orally or directly on areas that are painful to find relief. The Gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) in hemp seed oil has been proven to reduce inflammation.

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Check Out Our 'Be Your Highest' Products

Curious to try out a hemp seed oil product? Check out our new products made with organic hemp seed oil!


Healthline. (2018). 6 Evidence-Based Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Medical News Today. (2018). Marengo, K. (2018). Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds.  

Medical News Today. (2020). What is the difference between hemp seed oil and Hemp oil?

WebMD. (2020). Health Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil


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Kenya Benitez

Kenya Benitez

Kenya Benitez is a marketing intern at Assuaged. She is part of both the social media and content teams. As a Rhetoric and Writing Studies student, she hopes her writing skills and creativity will make a positive contribution to Assuaged’s mission. During her time at Assuaged, Kenya plans to enhance her marketing skills and make long-lasting connections with other interns and team leads.

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