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Alyzabeth Ruffin

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Hello, my name is Alyzabeth. I am a proud 2024 graduate of PS 198 International preparatory high school in Buffalo, NY. Along with graduating, I will be taking 33 dual enrollment credits with me to college! Some of my favorite hobbies include reading, drawing, walking, hiking, camping, swimming, and listening to music. My favorite animals are guinea pigs. My favorite vegan food is salad, fruits, and yogurt. My favorite movies are Inside out and Lilo and Stitch. I am looking forward to strengthening my public speaking skills throughout this internship. My personal values align with Assuaged missions and visions because I am looking to learn how to make better healthier eating and living choices. My career goal is to either be an exotic veterinary technician or a high school chemistry teacher.

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Did you know certain foods can cause increased bodily inflammation? Nourish your body with kinder and cleaner non-processed foods such as dark leafy greens, superfoods, fruits, root vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and healthy oils.

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