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Rachel Thomas

Hello! My name is Rachel Thomas, and I am 23 years old. I live in Indiana, and  am a nutrition major through Arizona State's online program. I decided to go into the field of nutrition because I have dealt with chronic digestive problems ever since I was a little girl. I was originally diagnosed with IBS, but come to find out years later, my IBS actually developed due to me eating foods I never knew I had intolerances to, including gluten, dairy, and eggs. Since finding out about these food intolerances, I have been following a gluten-free and plant-based diet, and it has truly amazed me how much better I feel by following this lifestyle! Once I graduate with my bachelor's in nutrition from Arizona State, I plan on going for a master's in dietetics so that I can take the certification exam to become a registered dietitian. Once I become a registered dietitian, I hope to specialize in the plant-based lifestyle and food allergies/intolerances so that I can share the knowledge I have gained with others.

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