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Benefits of Palo Azul: Nature's Remedy for Health and Wellness


Uncovering the Root of Palo Azul's Healing Properties

For decades, many have consumed natural herbal teas as traditional and natural medicine for their health. There are many common herbal teas you may be aware of, such as chamomile, ginger, peppermint, and lemon tea. All these teas contain ingredients that boost your immune system and make you feel better, but there is one uncommon tea you might not be aware of. That tea is called "Palo Azul tea," which is an herbal tea that comes from the bark of a Palo Azul plant. 


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Palo Azul is an herbal tea, also known as kidneywood tea, with health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, digestive health, weight loss, and heart health. It is traditionally consumed in the Republic of Paraguay in South America for treating diabetes and kidney disease; it is also marketed in Japan as a dietary supplement[1] This Palo Azul plant contains wood and leaves used in tea to improve various health properties. 


What health properties does Palo Azul improve?

Although Palo Azul has traditionally been around for many years, it hasn't been until now that many people have heard of it. Although they might have heard of it, they don't understand why it helps with certain health properties. 

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1. Digestive Health

Palo Azul contains tannins a digestive enzyme[2] that helps with food digestion by breaking it down and preventing constipation. Additionally, it contains flavonoids, a fluid that helps digest fatty foods faster and prevents indigestion. Palo Azul tea is a natural remedy for weight loss since it decreases fat absorption. 

2. UTI's and kidney health 

Palo Azul acts as a potassium-sparing[3] diuretic, which means it aids in flushing out toxins through urination without causing electrolyte loss, particularly sparing potassium. In other words, it helps eliminate bacteria from the kidneys through urine, which flushes out any UTI infection through the increase of urine. 

3. Weight loss 

We are now well aware that Palo Azul assists with weight loss through digestive health benefits and the breaking down of fatty foods. It also helps increase metabolism[2] which means your body burns more calories. The Palo Azul tea flushes out excessive toxins and water from your body, which helps with weight loss.

4. Inflammation

Palo Azul is rich in polyphenols which protect the body from inflammation, heart diseases, and anti-arthritis. It also produces inflammatory cytokines[2] which help treat and reduce inflammation. 

5. Heart Health

Because Palo Azul contains flavonoids, it also reduces bad cholesterol[2]  and prevents plaque in the arteries. This not only helps the health of the heart but also helps prevent a stroke from occurring. The Tannins, as mentioned before, reduce blood pressure and allow blood to flow and the heart to pump blood into the body. Palo Azul has so many health properties that can improve one's health.

How to consume Palo Azul 


Palo Azul is usually sold in small portions of wood, which you boil in hot water until it becomes a blue tea. You can then strain the wood and drink immediately for better health benefits. Because this tea has no taste, many might add lemon to add flavor.

This tea is tasteless, which means it has no calories and will benefit you more than other teas that may have additional preservatives because it is so simple to make you know the exact ingredients you put into your body. The Palo Azul tea's natural health properties may benefit you. 



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