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Essiac and Cancer- Alternative Healing Buzz


There are many different treatments for cancer in conventional and natural modes of medicine. People have been searching for less invasive cures than surgery or chemotherapy throughout the years, and Essiac is an alternative healing option currently being explored in science. Still, no solid evidence has been collected to support this. Finding a high-quality product is essential, as many counterfeit and imitation products will not likely yield any benefit.

It is essential to check labels and make sure you are getting a quality product! For an authentic product, check for these labels!


  • Label with registered trademark
  • Label with the Canadian flag
  • ESSIAC is spelled "ESSIAC" (NOT spelled as "ESSIAK," "ESIAK," "ESSAIC," or other)
  • The label must show Rene Caisse's authorized picture on the product
  • The label must show Rene Caisse's authorized signature
  • Contains 4 herbs Contains 6 or 8 herbs
  • Contains Sheep Sorrel Leaves (NOT Roots)
  • Contains Indian Rhubarb Root (NOT Turkey Rhubarb)
  • Sold in bottles (NOT Sold in plastic bags or stand-up pouches)
  • Label indicates ingredients, expiry date and lot number


One keynote is that Essiac should not be used while undergoing chemotherapy and should not replace any medications prescribed by your doctor. Always check with your healthcare provider before adding alternative medicines into your current health program.



Does Essiac Work as a Cancer Treatment? 


In the past, people have dubbed Essiac the "tea of life." Others believe that though Essiac does not have miracle effects like some have described, it does have some healing properties such as: 


  • antioxidant effects
  • protects vital cells from damage
  • boosts the immune system so that the body recovers strength in fighting against tumors
  • Relieves cancer symptoms such as pain and discomfort
  • Cleanses and detoxifies the body

However, please note again that the effects of Essiac have yet to be scientifically proven. Therefore, more research must be completed before valid conclusions may be drawn.



How Can You Consume Essiac Safely? 


For safety and precautions, do not use Essiac alongside regular cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy. Stopping cancer treatment may have harmful effects on your health. However, if you decide to try Essiac, make sure to take caution and follow proper instructions. 


According to Essiac® International, the ideal amount of Essiac to consume depends upon each person and his or her current health condition. Their general recommendation is taking 30-360 milliliters a day for up to twelve weeks. 


Specific side effects of Essiac may occur; if you experience any of these symptoms, it is advised to stop taking Essiac immediately:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Swollen Glands
  • Flu-like Symptoms
  • Light Headaches
  • Frequent Urination


In conclusion, it's important to do plenty of research before trying any alternative treatments, such as Essiac. Should you choose to consume it, practice great precaution, and only consume the indicated amounts in order to achieve greater health



The History of Essiac 


Essiac tea was first distributed in Canada by a nurse named Rene Caisse starting in the 1920s when she administered it to thousands of patients over the next 50 years. The concoction is said to be based on a traditional Ojibwa Native American remedy, although the original formulation's exact ingredients and amounts are unknown today. 


Some studies have shown that when these herbs are in exact amounts, they may reduce cancer symptoms. However, there have also been cases when they have caused cancer to grow instead. Without the precise recipe, we can't draw a reliable conclusion on the original product's effectiveness.



Scientific testing has been conducted on Essiac throughout recent years. Notably, a laboratory at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York conducted trials on mice. They received inconclusive data, with some mice showing signs of improvement with a reduction of tumors and some in which Essiac had no effects.


Despite the fact of fluctuating results, Essiac products are used for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  currently owned by Essiac® International, and similar forms of the herbal blend are available throughout North America and Europe. People are taking essiac for various reasons from alternative healing to preventative medicine. If you want to learn and see more essiac on products, be sure to go the the original source!



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