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Getting Back On Track With A Healthy Diet

Summer may be drawing to a close, and the swimsuit season is almost behind us, but that doesn't mean it is time to throw in the towel on our health and wellness routines. This spring and summer season has been very different for all of us. 


The stress and anxiety that has crept into our lives can have devastating effects on our emotional and physical health. Being isolated and out of our regular routines can cause us to adopt habits that sabotage our best self-care intentions. 


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Getting Back On Track


Fortunately, this is the best time to reevaluate our habits and take charge of the one thing that is within our control, our bodies. Deciding to get back on track with our health may entail merely returning to our exercise routines or leaving off the dessert at the end of our meals. 


However, this period of evaluation may reveal that we need to adopt a more inspired vision of ourselves and incorporate a lifestyle change that can propel us to become the best version of ourselves.


We Are What We Eat


Suppose the saying "we are what we eat" stands true. In that case, we must carefully consider and reconsider what types of foods we are taking into our bodies if we hope to create a healthy change in our lives. While some types of foods work to help boost our metabolisms, others may assist our body in other ways that enable it to perform at it's best. 


Learning about the different qualities of various fruits, nuts, vegetables, and proteins can seem a daunting task, quickly becoming overwhelming. The key is to start slow and one step at a time, allowing you to learn what works best for your body and what doesn't work so well.




A Change You Can Count On


In addition to the vast amounts of information regarding food products that exist, we're left figuring out how to properly prepare food and integrate meals into our daily lives. Regardless of if you are primarily at home or working away from home during the week, meal preparation can become an arduous task. 


The key to forming and staying on track with a healthier lifestyle is not only to increase your healthy choices but also to simplify your meal preparation process. This is exactly why Assuaged was created, to provide healthy, organic recipes, meal planning, and more all in one easily accessible website. 


Assuaged is your complete source for healthy living as you can browse through topics such as:


Now is the time to get back on track with your health, and the best way to begin is by partnering with a resource that will enable you to be successful. By implementing a few changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can start to live your best life. Log on to Assuaged, and let your journey to a healthier, happier new you begin. 


Browse more healthy living plant-based recipes on our FREE Assuaged iOS App!

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Pick Your Type of Deliciousness!

"A dietary shift toward plant foods and away from animal products is vital for promoting the health of our planet."

Start with either a Meal Kit or Fresh, Prepared Meal plan, and then customize your weekly delivery.  

It’s easy peasy. Get exactly what you want—meal kits, prepared meals, or both—every time.

And don’t worry, our favorite foodie brand Trifecta has lots of Less Prep, high-protein and gluten-free meals.

✅ Immunity-Rich Meals
✅ Fast-Prep & No Hassle
✅ Ease Cooking Stress
✅ Enjoy Plenty of Variety


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Ignoring Your Health Is Just As Bad As Ignoring Your Mother

Here at Assuaged, we are dedicated to promoting healthier living and equipping students with essential digital skills. Support our mission by visiting our non-profit website and discovering the impact we are making on public populations and the lives of public health students.

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Health has never tasted so good.

Organic and plant-based varieties have proven to reduce the risk and progression of disease. Guess what? You can still have fun on date night indulging in sweets you never knew existed.

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