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Soursop: Harnessing Nature's Healing Fruit | Assuaged



Soursop is a tropical fruit packed with health-boosting goodness. Its benefits are best show when added to a diet. Although this fruit isn't very common, it does help boost the nutrients our body needs to fight common diseases. 

Natures Wellness Wonder

Soursop is not only a tropical fruit we consume for its delicious creamy flavor but also has potential health benefits we may have yet to be aware of. The name "soursop" derives from the tart flavor of its fruits. Originally native to Central and South America[1], the soursop tree has also become established in the West Indies and possibly Mexico, with a particularly prevalent presence in the Caribbean. This green prickly fruit comes from soursop trees, which are then picked and sold as is or in beverage form. They may seem like avocadoes at first sight, but these fruits look nothing similar once sliced open. 

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Health Benefits of Soursop

Not only do people eat the inside of the fruit, but many also use the leaves and stems for medical purposes. This fruit contains many antioxidants, which could help reduce the chances of diseases. Additionally, many people use it as an ingredient for cooking, but what nutrition does this fruit contain?

Potential Health Benefits:

    • Anti-inflammatory[2] properties: When rats were treated with soursop, scientists found it to alleviate inflammation.
    • Immune system support: Due to having fiber, soursop helps prevent constipation.
    • Digestive health benefits:
    • Anticancer properties: Has been proven by a test tube study to reduce tumor size and kill off cancer cells.

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Precautions of Soursop

Although this fruit may seem too good to be accurate due to its health benefits, we also have to be aware of portioning to stay healthy. Always make sure to read the ingredients when it comes to tea or extract forms because additives that are added can be harmful. Due to all the compounds[3], consuming too much can carry consequences such as rigid muscles, personality changes, eyesight issues, and movement problems.


Incorporating Soursop Into Drinks

When drinking soursop, always make sure to take out the seeds, as they can be extremely harmful to the body. The best way to find this drink could be in Latin American-run stores, where they incorporate it into "aguas frescas." This means they are put into drinks with water and other fruits to make a delicious and flavorful beverage. This fruit alone contains a lot of sugar, so make sure to only drink one cup every once in a while. 


A Fruitful Conclusion

In conclusion, soursop is a versatile fruit celebrated not only for its tantalizing flavor but also for its promising array of health benefits, making it a valuable addition to any well-rounded diet. If you want to try soursop for its nutritional benefits, it is an excellent fruit source to look for. It may not be a magical cure for diseases, but it will help feed your body the nutrients it needs. 


There are really no excuses not to try healthier habits in your everyday life. If you are looking for specific benefits of adopting healthier habits or just want to know about the general healing properties. Please remember to comment or post any health questions, or contact us directly!

Also feel free to share any of your favorite recipes to make and share it with the Assuaged community on our ➡️ Share A Recipe ⬅️ page!




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