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Latrea: Disability Empowerment Coach with Pfeiffer Syndrome

Disabilities Empowerment Coach
Motivational Speaker
Radio Personality
Published Author
Weekly Motivation

Latrea Wyche is 38 years old, she is originally PG County MD, she is a Disabilities Empowerment Coach, Motivational Speaker, and a Published Author. Latrea currently resides in Fayetteville, NC with her eleven-year-old daughter.

 Born with Pfeiffer Syndrome, a rare genetic craniofacial disorder that causes the bones in the skull and other parts of the body to not fuse properly.

Latrea also has visual and hearing-impairment, and she’s endured more than 30-45 operations to correct various health problems.

Latrea also has visual and hearingDealing with major family issues, including drug-addicted parents, she and her sister entered the foster care system when Latrea was twelve and her sister was four.

This is where they would remain until Latrea reached the age of sixteen when they were eventually adopted. Throughout their time in the foster care system, she and her sister encountered countless instances of abuse. Latrea being the oldest, always felt that it was her job to take care of her sister. This is something she’s been doing since the day her sister was born.

Latrea was always there to make sure that her sister was taken care of, even sometimes sacrificing herself.

Through it all, she has managed to defy the odds; earning a BA in Psychology, and a Master’s in Education. Additionally, Latrea became a Professional Certified Life Coach, as well as certified in Disabilities Ministries Leadership. Her book “Intimate Conversations with God” was featured as special book at the 2017 NAACP convention.

Latrea travels all over the state of North Carolina speaking at various disability organizations.

“As a Disabilities Empowerment Coach it is my goal to empower motivate and encourage the disabled population to live above the limits of society, by providing a voice that teaches them to speak their personal truth.”


Latrea Wyche / Woman of Impact

Ways to Contact Latrea:

Facebook / YouTube

Twitter / Instagram

If you’re interested in Latrea speaking at your group or organization please send her an email.


Craniofacial Events




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