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Making Real Connections For Real Results


Therapeutic relationships entail genuineness, empathy, self-disclosure, confidence, and acceptance. Many therapists surprisingly struggle with building nurturing relationships which can deem them unfit for the job. 


The therapeutic coalition is a necessary element for counseling. This involves a client’s emotional connection to the nutritional counselor and their capability to participate actively and work towards effective therapy.


A nutritional adviser must have an empathic understanding and core involvement encompassing a client-nutritional counselor agreement detailing the treatment responsibilities and objectives. The process of building a relationship is near the same across all sectors of counseling.

Medical professionals must develop a healthy therapeutic relationship with their clients. Working in this field, knowledge of various therapeutic models and technologies is critical to success and efficacy.


A nutritional counselor requires a comprehensive understanding of their clients’ needs and the aptitude to utilize diverse models or techniques since each scenario is unique and individualistic. Every client has different conditions to consider; thus, the utilization of one method will not reflect consistent reactions or results. 


Creating a supportive and unyielding therapeutic relationship allows the nutritional counselor to become an active accomplice to their client. Medical professionals must establish acceptance of their clients in a non-judgmental environment while providing them with respectful interest, emotional independence, attentiveness, openness, empathy, and interactive communication. Once successfully forming a strong collaborative and therapeutic rapport with the client, the relationship will continue to develop and strengthen.




It is critical for a nutritional guide to maintain sensitivity in efforts to comprehensively understand their client’s emotions and physical experiences to be of guidance effectively. Staying in tune allows both to start a journey together and establish progress towards positive results. Constructing a healthy therapeutic relationship calls for the counselor to have respect and faith in their client’s advancement while having genuine concern and empathy towards them. 


Rapport is vital as medical professionals must have a humanized approach in treatment. The emotional passage between the counselor and client founds a healthy relationship of comfort, unrestricted mutual trust, and confidence. Empathy is also an outstanding quality every nutritional healthcare provider should have. It’s essential to listen in an accepting manner continually and to act authentically at all times. Clients’ should be treated with morality and acknowledgment.


It is essential that medical professionals are considerate and not condemning their clients, as this could harm and devalue the counselor-patient relationship significantly. Ongoing training is necessary to accomplish the critical elements of rapport so that advisers can attain humanizing skills and extensive understanding. Some lack the desire to understand how they can become more comforting and better human beings by relating to other individuals who are different from them. 


Four motivational processes can influence and maintain change - Compliance, Identification, Internalization, and Self-Sabotage:


  • Compliance involves following directions because they are seeking to avoid punishment, or they are seeking a reward. These individuals are often looking for immediate results or gratification, yet lack of motivation to change.
  • Identification is a process that involves a dedicated person who follows directions given to them by their superiors, doctors, therapists, or wellness experts. However, one problematic barrier is that the client isn’t fully invested but is merely seeking to please and follow directions. The experience is not necessarily about them attempting to improve their quality of life, which can lead them back to where they started or possibly worse off. 
  • Internalization ranks as the highest level out of all four motivational processes and involves the integration of attitudes, values, standards and the opinions of others into one's own identity or sense of self.. The internalization process requires an independent person who is self-motivated internally, with or without compliments.
  • Self-Sabotage creates problems in daily life and interferes with long-standing goals. These behaviors include procrastination, self-medication with drugs or alcohol, comfort eating, and other forms of self-injury, which all create immense obstacles to optimal health.



Physical exercise is also essential and can be accomplished in as little as 20 minutes of daily walking. When there are issues with pollution and blocked water flow, water will stagnate and become contaminated with bacteria. The body operates similarly. Lacking physical movement impairs the human body on all levels.


All of these factors take awareness and dedication to gain the benefits of a balanced body. One reason we have many homeless veteran soldiers may be that after separating from the military, there is a lack of knowledge on mastering wellness without the presence of strict guidance and discipline. This leads to self-sabotage since the lack of self-discipline causes one to give up on themselves eventually. It’s unbelievably saddening. 


Maintenance of lifestyle changes varies for every individual as all have different needs. Processes that work for one person may not necessarily work for another. A few nutritional counseling maintenance skills involve setting boundaries, meal planning, and gaining coping skills.


Mastering self-psychology and following organic nutritional dietary habits are two processes that take time, but deliver meaningful results and awareness are essential when it comes to maintaining change. A person must have a strong mindset when adapting to a healthier lifestyle; otherwise, they likely won’t elect in the process because there will be a lack of drive and understanding. These tools provide an individual with the ability to take ownership of their past and their future. 


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Thane Murphy

Thane Murphy

Thane is a disabled USMC veteran who suffers from PTSD incurred by a severe Traumatic-Brain Injury during his service. He’s experienced invasive and debilitating skin rashes since childhood and was diagnosed severely obese and pre-diabetic. Since then, he’s found a cure through diet and nutrition. Thane graduated Summa Cum Laude from Purdue University, specializing in Nutrition and Holistic Medicine.

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