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Psychedelic Microdosing: Is It Effective For Creativity, Productivity, and Wellness?




One primary reason for the growing popularity of psychedelic drugs is their potential to improve mental health in the long term, particularly for individuals dealing with treatment-resistant depression. Microdosing involves taking a fraction of the average dose of LSD or psilocybin—much smaller than what would be used for its hallucinogenic effects. Advocates claim that psychedelic microdosing can enhance mood, boost creativity, improve concentration, increase productivity, and foster greater empathy. However, the question remains: Does psychedelic microdosing genuinely provide these benefits, or is it merely a placebo effect? In other words, do individuals experience positive changes because they expect them to occur rather than as a direct result of the psychedelic properties?



How Does Microdosing Affect the Brain?


The exact effects of psychedelic microdosing on the brain are still not fully understood. However, some studies have indicated that the psychedelics used in microdosing can activate serotonin receptors, potentially enhancing connectivity in certain areas of the brain. Additionally, these substances may alter typical brain activity, resulting in a different state of consciousness.







Does Microdosing Actually Work?


The results regarding the effectiveness of psychedelic microdosing are quite mixed. Some studies suggest that microdosing can have significant positive effects, while others find no evidence to support its benefits for mental health.


One notable study examined 953 individuals who microdosed with psilocybin and compared them to 180 participants who did not microdose for 30 days. This study concluded that those taking microdoses experienced minimal to moderate improvements in their mood and state of mind.


In contrast, another study involved 34 participants who were divided into a psilocybin test group and a placebo group. While the psilocybin group reported enhancements in mood and creativity, the overall conclusion was that microdosing with psilocybin did not demonstrate strong evidence of long-term positive effects.




In What State Are Psychedelics Legal?


As scientific studies increasingly highlight the therapeutic benefits of psychedelic microdosing, many states are reevaluating the legal status of psychedelics. This shift is taking place in various ways. In cities like Oakland and Washington, D.C., law enforcement is starting to prioritize the enforcement of laws against psychedelics as low priority. So far, the only two states that have legalized psychedelics are Colorado and Oregon.






Are Psychedelics Addictive?


Research conducted to date suggests that psychedelics are unlikely to be addictive. One reason for this is that substances like psilocybin and LSD often cause adverse side effects, such as headaches and nausea, which may deter individuals from wanting to use them again. Additionally, some studies indicate that psychedelics do not produce a strong reinforcing effect, making it less likely that they will lead to substance abuse issues. However, it's important to note that tolerance to the effects of psychedelics can develop relatively quickly, meaning that individuals may need to take progressively larger doses to achieve the same effects as before.


In the case of ketamine specifically, research has shown that when used outside of a clinical setting, it can lead to cravings and potential withdrawal symptoms. Overall, more research is necessary to determine conclusively whether psychedelics can be classified as addictive.



Are Psychedelics Bad for You?


Based on the research conducted so far, there is little evidence of individuals experiencing significant adverse side effects from the use of psychedelics. However, several important factors must be considered. The effects of psychedelics can vary greatly among individuals. Factors that influence these effects include the dosage and potency of the substance, the individual's age, specific biological characteristics, gender, unique personality traits, duration of psychedelic use, mood prior to ingestion, expectations about the experience, and the environment in which the psychedelics are consumed. Additionally, if the psychedelic drug is contaminated, it can lead to severe adverse health effects.






Who Should Not Take Psychedelics?


Individuals who are more likely to be negatively affected by the use of psychedelic drugs include those who use them solely for recreational purposes, individuals with specific medical conditions, pregnant women, those with mental health issues, and people who have a history of substance abuse. Recreational users of psychedelics have a higher risk of developing hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder (HPPD), which can cause them to experience visual and perceptual effects similar to those from the drug even when they are not under its influence. These effects can persist for weeks or even years.


The adverse side effects of psychedelics—such as hypertension, nausea, and vomiting—can exacerbate certain medical conditions, including autoimmune disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, using psychedelic drugs during pregnancy can increase the risk of congenital disabilities in the fetus. For individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions, the use of psychedelics can potentially lead to the development of psychosis.



Can You Microdose CBD?


CBD can be microdosed effectively. For those who are new to using CBD, it is advisable to start with microdosing to understand how it affects them. By beginning with a small dose, individuals can gradually increase the amount until they find the right level that provides positive effects without unwanted side effects. Microdosing is also suitable for those who have previously used CBD but wish to reset their tolerance and return to their ideal dosage.



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Grinspoon, P. (2022, September 19). The popularity of macrodosing of psychedelics: What does the science say? Harvard Health Publishing. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-popularity-of-microdosing-of-psychedelics-what-does-the-science-say-202209192819.

Heyl, J.C. (2023, June 13). Who shouldn't take psychedelics. VeryWell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/who-shouldn-t-take-psychedelics-6742166#toc-who-is-at-risk

Mission Cannabis Club. (2019, November 13). Microdosing CBD for beginners. Cannabis Club.  https://missioncannabisclub.com/microdosing-cbd-for-beginners/#:~:text=Microdosing%20CBD%20is%20a%20technique,beginning%20a%20full%20CBD%20regiment

National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2023, April). Psychedelic and dissociative drugs. National Institute of Health. https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/psychedelic-dissociative-drugs#experience-withdrawal

Psychedelic Alpha. (n.d.). Psychedelic legalization & decriminalization tracker. Psychedelic Alpha. https://psychedelicalpha.com/data/psychedelic-laws

Smith, M. (2023, July 20). How hallucinogenic drugs act on the brain. Men's Health. https://www.menshealth.com/uk/health/a44533979/microdose-effects-brain/



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