Shiatsu is a type of Japanese therapeutic bodywork that aids in physical and mental healing. Although Eastern and Western massage is similar, they have their distinct differences. Shiatsu is an eastern-based healing massage that focuses on a whole-body technique rather than on one specific troubled area.
This type of Japanese bodywork utilizes pressure on the exterior of the skin alongside the heights to recover and preserve a harmonic flow of energy by clearing blockages throughout the body, mind, and spirit.
In western massage, it is preferred but not required that the client take off his or her clothing during a massage session. The reasoning for this is that clothing is a barrier, in the opinion of many western masseuses.
At the same time, Shiatsu is performed through comfortable clothing without any oils. This would make a tremendous difference in preference between the two different practices.
What Is Shiatsu?
The word Shiatsu means finger pressure; it originated in Japan and is also known as acupressure in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Qi's concept is what makes Shiatsu massage so much different, and without it, western and eastern forms of massage would be the same.
We have always seen the benefit in alternative forms of medicine and just in recent years, have adapted to only the use of holistic non-traditional medicine remedies.
Here at Assuaged, we would choose Shiatsu massage over western because of the apparent benefits of the whole-body healing approach the eastern form offers.

Our body is energy made up of qi. This is the concept behind Shiatsu, and it's the ability to promote healing. If we have blockages, then we will likely suffer. Shiatsu is believed to help heal these types of blockages.
Shiatsu is also known as "finger pressure." The pressure is applied using the thumbs, elbows, hands, knees, and feet to stimulate pressure points on the body. This type of therapy is focused on the meridians, which consists of rotating and stretching limbs and joints.
When the meridians are balanced, then the body and mind become balanced too. This type of therapy stimulates the nervous and immune systems, which provide bodily relief. When the pressure points have been stimulated, the body then can experience improved blood flow.
Eastern medicine has a different viewpoint on health and how to take care of your body. Our body is an energy source that can heal in various other forms.
Western medicine believes that illnesses and diseases need fixing with healing remedies that are administered in pill form. However, Eastern medicine maintains the belief that the body and mind must balance with its surroundings (Centerpoint, 2020).
Shiatsu is most beneficial when it comes to:
Restoration and maintenance of the body’s energy, combatting fatigue and weakness;
Enhanced circulation;
Stress and tension relief;
Aids as a remedy for anxiety and depression;
Headache and migraine relief;
Healing for sprains and fracture injuries;
Aids in treating digestive disorders, bowel issues, morning sickness, and menstruation problems;
Soothes stiff neck, shoulders, and backaches (including sciatica);
Aids as a remedy for coughs and colds;
May help combat sinus and respiratory problems;
Insomnia relief; and
Relieves arthritis (Centerpoint, 2020).
There are really no excuses not to try Shiatsu. If you are a man or woman looking for specific benefits or just want to know about the general healing properties. Please remember to comment or post any health questions, or contact us directly!

Care1. (2017). Shiatsu Massage Therapy – How is Shiatsu Different from Modern Western Massage?
Balibisa. (2016). Differences between Eastern and Western Massages from a Practitioner's Perspective. (2016). Swedish vs Deep Tissue vs Shiatsu vs Sports Massage: What's the difference?
CenterPoint. (2020). The Benefits of Shiatsu Massage.