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The Health Benefits of Bilberry


                        What is Bilberry?


Bilberry is a plant that produces fruit that resembles the American blueberry. Its leaves and fruits when dried are used in medicine.




Bilberries are known to reduce inflammation due to its chemicals called tannins. In addition, its leaves are believed to aid in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels while also improving blood circulation for individuals diagnosed with diabetes.


Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, people use bilberry for swollen limbs. Others use it for better vision at night but more research data is needed to support this. 


Its properties of reducing inflammation is due to the chemicals, tannins, found in the fruit. Tannins are known to help with diarrhea and irritation with the mouth and throat. 


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Bilberry is known for its medicinal purposes since the Middle Ages and its high Vitamin C content was known to combat scurvy disease. One cool fact is that British pilots ate bilberry jam since they believed it would improve their vision in the dark. 


Although it is know to be a dietary supplement today, the public is cautioned in consuming the bilberry leaves orally for long periods of time. Bilberry may also interact with medications therefore, it is recommended to have a consultation with your provider before taking bilberry supplements.









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Trisha Bandril

Trisha Bandril

Trisha is an MPH/MBA candidate currently pursuing and developing a career path in program management as a healthcare quality worker focusing on the evaluation for improvement of the population's health quality systems; which involves HEDIS studies and CMS Risk Adjustment data informatics at Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).

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