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Tropical Ginger and Turmeric Smoothie




A ginger and turmeric smoothie can be the perfect option for a jumpstart to your day. By blending these two ingredients together with tropical fruits, you can create a recipe that can provide an immune boost while making you feel like you are on a tropical island vacation. You will love the creaminess of this ginger and turmeric smoothie, along with the natural sweetness of the tropical fruits.



What Are the Benefits of Turmeric and Ginger?


Ginger and turmeric in their natural root form can provide many health benefits for the body. If you are dealing with digestive problems (stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting, etc.), turmeric and ginger can aid with those. They both also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can relieve symptoms of conditions like osteoarthritis. Turmeric and ginger also contain antioxidants, which help keep the immune system working as it should.







What Happens If I Eat Ginger and Turmeric Every Day?


While turmeric and ginger have similar properties that aid in relieving similar problems and improving health, they also have different qualities. Turmeric can target symptoms of a cold or disorders of the digestive system, skin, or upper respiratory tract. With ginger, it is known to help reduce inflammation, nausea, and abdominal discomfort. It can also provide a nice boost to the immune system to help protect against infections and illnesses. Consuming turmeric and ginger together can assist with the reduction of inflammation throughout the body and relieve symptoms that come with inflammation-based illnesses, like arthritis, digestive diseases, and diabetes. However, it is essential to be careful when consuming turmeric and ginger together because there are potential complications that can come from consuming too much of either or both at one time.



Is It Better to Have Turmeric and Ginger at Night or In the Morning?


Turmeric and ginger can provide benefits both in the morning and at night. It depends on what benefits you are targeting that will determine the best time to have turmeric and ginger. Suppose you are looking for digestive trouble relief, reduction in inflammation, better mood and brain function, blood sugar regulation, or nausea/pain relief. In that case, consuming turmeric and ginger during the day is best. On the other hand, ginger and turmeric can help with falling asleep faster and receiving a better night’s sleep. So, if you are looking for assistance with good quality sleep, consuming ginger and turmeric at night would be best.







Can Turmeric and Ginger Burn Belly Fat?


Both ginger and turmeric contain properties that can aid fat metabolism and storage. Ginger helps to increase fat metabolism and improves how fat is utilized within the body. Ginger can also help with weight loss by reducing fat storage. Turmeric can also lead to reduced fat storage, therefore assisting with weight loss.



Who Should Avoid Turmeric and Ginger?


Since turmeric contains alkaloids, if someone has a gallbladder condition, bleeding disorder, diabetes, GERD, liver disease, an iron deficiency, a heart arrhythmia, or a condition caused by hormones, they should avoid consuming high levels of turmeric. Turmeric can potentially increase bile secretion, which can cause gallbladder symptoms to become more troublesome. The alkaloids in turmeric can also cause the blood clotting process to slow. A chemical called curcumin that is present in turmeric can potentially reduce blood sugar levels too much, leading to problems for someone with diabetes. Consuming high amounts of turmeric can impact how the body absorbs iron. Curcumin can also have similar properties to estrogen, which can cause hormone-sensitive conditions to worsen.







Here's Some Other Favorite Tasty Recipes To Try!





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Bodhare, A. (2024, July 10). Natural home remedies to reduce belly fat. PharmEasy.

Jacob, D. (2023, January 20). Who should not use turmeric? MedicineNet.

Jones, S. (2023, August 10). Benefits of drinking turmeric and ginger in the morning. Webmedy.

Maria. (n.d.). Iced ginger turmeric smoothie. Halsa Nutrition.

Tea & Tonic. (n.d.). The sleeping qualities of turmeric. Tea & Tonic.

Vasquez, I. (2024, April 8). Can you take turmeric and ginger together? Health.




Fresh Turmeric Smoothie

Fresh Turmeric Smoothie

Yield: 4
prep time: 12 M cook time: 0 M total time: 12 M


  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup raw almonds
  • 1 medium orange, peeled
  • 1/2 pineapple, peeled, sliced with core (about 3 cups)
  • 1 piece (10 g) fresh turmeric, washed
  • 1 piece (10 g) fresh ginger root, washed
  • 1 large banana, peeled


How To Make A Fresh Turmeric Smoothie

  1. Place all ingredients into the Vitamix container in the order listed and secure the lid.
  2. Start the blender on its lowest speed, then quickly increase to its highest speed. Blend for 2 minutes.
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