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4/20 Vegan Recipes to Celebrate with Hemp MJ Coconut Oil at Home


Happy 420, as we celebrate virtually with you here at Assuaged! 


We believe that plant-based foods and herbal remedies are the best medicine for preventative self-care and chronic disease. We are feeling as disappointed as you that there will not be any big 420 celebrations possible especially when April is MJ Awareness Month! But one way to join the fun at home is in the kitchen with MJ and coconut oil and some awesome recipes to experiment with!

There is so much more to MJ than movie binges and the munchies, and it has many compelling and ground-breaking qualities that should be highlighted. According to a recent Data for progress Poll, eight out of ten Americans support the use of this medicinal plant as Hemp Oil’s reputation continues to increase as socially acceptable.


Even options from conventional medicine are becoming more openly available as science continues to uncover the miraculous healing benefits of MJ.


heart made of marijuana weed buds


How to Make MJ Coconut Oil 

(yield about 1 cup)


  • 1 ¼ cups coconut oil
  • ½ ounce of your favorite dried bud 
  • About 4 cups of water (optional)

Stovetop Method


Place coconut oil, MJ plant material, and water in a large saucepan or double boiler on the stove. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to very low and simmer for 2-4 hours. Take care and monitor the liquid level often, adding water as necessary to always keep at least 3 cups in the pot.


MJ is an aromatic plant. To reduce fumes, instead of simmering MJ on the stovetop, use a slow cooker or our favorite, an Instant Pot, and set it to slow cooker mode.  Almost no odor!


weed cannabis coconut oil in dropper bottle


Draining & Straining


Place a cheesecloth-lined strainer over a large pot or bowl and strain the liquid through. Before discarding the plant material, pour a large kettle full of boiling water to wash through any extra oil clinging to the plant material.


Allow time to cool then squeeze out as much liquid as possible. Discard the plant material. Chill water and oil, the infused oil will harden into a solid, making it easy to lift off the water below and discard the water.


Refrigerate infused oil until ready to use or freeze for even longer storage. Fats can still go rancid in the freezer, so try to use it within 3 months.


You are now ready to use your MJ Oil in place of butter or oil in any of your plant-based recipes!


But what about the expensive edibles that can be found at most medical MJ dispensaries, are they healthy? In fact, most brownies, cookies, and gummies are loaded with excessive sugar, corn syrup, and dyes. We believe that processed sugars, not MJ, are the real concern.


Here is a list from The Healing Clinic comparing the hazards of sugar vs. MJ to help support why:




MJ & Cacao Edible Body Paint!!!


On another note, we hope everyone is staying healthy and active, both mentally and physically. But just in case you are looking for a healthy treat or maybe even a fun romantic activity to spice things up, we have one last recommendation for you to try with your easy to make MJ and Coconut Oil...


For best results, you want the body paint to be liquid and warm, not hot. You can do this by microwaving for 20 seconds at a time, stirring between sessions until you get a temperature you like. You can also heat in a small saucepan on the stovetop. Either way, STIR WELL, to reduce hot spots and test on a small patch of skin before slathering it on!


Edible Body Paint Dosing


This recipe makes about a 1/2 cup of body paint, and is a vegan alteration of a recipe created by Canni-bus-Cheri. We're not sure EXACTLY how much a “serving” of body paint is, for the purposes for calculating dosing, we will call it 1 tablespoon.


In the case, each serving of this will have about 20 mg of T-H-C if you made your MJ Oil from average MJ (10% T-H-C) and used 1/2 ounce of MJ to make 1 cup of MJ oil.  


More Uses for your MJ & Cacao Edible Body Paint


You might have discovered that edible body paint bears a close resemblance to vegan hot fudge sauce. Likewise, if you DON’T have a body to paint, this recipe is excellent served over a variety of other plant-based desserts.


medicinal bud cookies with chocolate chips


Looking for some mouth-watering, but quick recipes to use your MJ infused oil with?Here are some easy comfort food go-to's that get a real flavor boost from your ganja concoction!

Or if you're looking for a fun dessert project try one of these!

Why Is MJ Considered a Medicinal Plant?


One of the lesser-known facts about this herbal remedy is that our very cells are biologically designed to receive MJ, the active chemical compounds derived from this celebrated flower. Research initially suggested endocannabinoid receptors were only present in our brain and nerves. 


Yet, scientists later found that the receptors create a network between the connective tissues of our bodies, minds, and internal organs. This complex system contributes to balancing the state of our cells, despite constant fluctuations from our external environments and internal mental or emotional triggers. 


There is a chart that you can view by MJspan, this graphic explains the benefits of Hemp Oil, T-H-C, and lesser known MJ compounds and where they provide the most relief. As demonstrated below, it is clear that Hemp Oil is the leader in effectiveness and uses.



MJ is both a preventative and restorative medicine, and that feeling of being “high” comes from the MJ compounds that help you control the number one cause of all lethal afflictions – stress. Our built-in endocannabinoid systems moderate and regulate stress hormones with naturally occurring components from our own bodies, which belong to the same class of MJ compounds like T-H-C and Hemp Oil. 


This is why supplemental MJ compounds are an ideal way to regulate dangerous levels of unhealthy stress hormones in our body, and may actually prove to be the best preventative medicine for many of the conditions that it is also used to help alleviate. In the August 2009 issue of Cancer Prevention Research, medical researchers reported that “ten to twenty years of MJ use was associated with a significantly reduced risk of head and neck squamous cell cancer.”


The chart below, sourced from MJdoctors, explains the concentrations and general properties and effects of the two main strands of MJ. There are also hybrids of various concentrations to achieve a combination of the different qualities.


indica sativa medicinal properties and effects


MJ compounds and Coronavirus


MJ is perhaps one of the most effective antiviral plants in the world, according to a study conducted to stimulate receptor activation in specific genes and mediate the anti-invasive effect of MJ compounds. But is smoking this flower healthy? 


If you have any kind of flu, virus, or even the common cold, smoking and even vaping can irritate already aggravated throats and exacerbate coughs. And, with the Coronavirus sweeping across continents, we are seeing people taking extended periods to heal from various respiratory afflictions.


Well, we have good news! The toxic breakdown of therapeutic compounds in MJ from burning the plant is wholly avoided by using extractions and edible MJ oils, eliminating irritation to the oral cavity and lungs, which comes from smoking. Ingestible options allow for the active ingredients to stimulate the body’s natural immune response and significantly reduces the ability of infections to spread.


MJ & Self Care


Due to the COVID-19 crisis, many are turning to “self-care” indulgences to keep sane, and to pass the time. Did you know that your MJ & coconut oil can also be used as a great topical lotion for the skin? 


oils, extracts and tinctures, supplement of marijuana leaves and buds


It can help moisturize the skin to prevent chapped lips and feet and even soothe sunburns, leaving your skin healthy and fresh. MJ has also widely been acknowledged to be a potent aphrodisiac. Combined with coconut oil, it may be used as a massage oil, or even as a lubricant for feelings of heightened sensual pleasure.


Whether you use topically for health benefits, pain management, or more fun possiblities with the cocoa body butter it is wonderful for your skin. As far as desserts options go, how many could this yummy vegan hot fudge sauce possibly not go with? Mmmmm, the possibilities seem endless... let us know and share what creative recipes you come up with for you 4/20 special treat!

Vegan MJ & Cacao Fudge Sauce

Vegan MJ & Cacao Fudge Sauce

Yield: 1/2 cup
prep time: 5 M cook time: 5 M total time: 10 M



How to cook MJ & cacao edible body paint vegan fudge sauce

  1. Heat coconut sugar, salt, and water together in a small saucepan over low heat. without stirring until coconut sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Stir in MJ cocount oil until melted and mixture is smooth.
  3. Then stir in the cacao powder until the mixture is smooth.
  4. Remove from heat, stir in vanilla and liqueur, if using.
  5. Transfer mixture to a small jar, let cool until warm to the touch, and enjoy on top your favorite dessert, or start painting the artist of love, you!
CBD, Marijuana Coconut Butter, 4/20 Recipes
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