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Vegetable Facts, (2022). History of cabbage: Where does cabbage come from? Retrieved May 21, 2022 from http://www.vegetablefacts.net/vegetable-history/history-of-cabbage/

Goldberg, Dr. (2022). Cabbage And Cancer. Retrieved from http://tmmedical.com/cabbage-and-cancer/ 

Our Gabled Home, (2022). Cabbage leaf wrap for joint pain swelling. Retrieved May 28, 2022 from https://ourgabledhome.com/cabbage-leaf-wrap-for-joint-pain-swelling/

Romy, L. PhD, Nadine, G. Holger, C. PhD, Dobos, A. Gustave, MD, Felix, S. J. MD (2016).Efficacy of Cabbage Leaf Wraps in the Treatment of Symptomatic Osteoarthritis of the Knee.The Clinical Journal of Pain. November 2016 - Volume 32 - Issue 11 ( p 961-971). doi: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000352 


Quan, Duong, (2021). What Level of Blood Sugar is Dangerous?https://thehealthmags.com/what-level-of-blood-sugar-is-dangerous/#:~:text=Knowing%20what%20level%20of%20blood%20sugar%20is%20dangerous,300%20mg%2FdL%20or%20higher%20should%20call%20their%20physician 

TripAwads Nutrition, (2014). Simple Cabbage Poultice Heals Wounds. Retrieved May 28 from https://nutrition.tripawds.com/2014/07/21/simple-cabbage-poultice-heals-wounds/

Vegetables Beyond Salad: Cabbage and Its Healing Properties







Cabbage And Its Healing Properties 


Before modern medicine, there were plants. Plants that still surround us, who give us oxygen, provide us shade and shelter and continue to heal us.


For thousands of years, plant leaves have been used to treat health issues and injuries. Whether that use was through direct application to wounds or by ingestion, plants have healing properties we can still use today.


Cabbage leaves are a vegetable that has been recognized as a superfood. Full of useful antioxidant properties, they reduce the chance of diseases caused by free radicals. 






The History of Cabbage



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Once only eaten by the upper class, cabbage, a close broccoli relative, belongs to the Brassica family. It is estimated that Eastern cabbage has been used in Asia since 4,000 B.C., and Western cabbage has been around for the last 3,000 years since the Celts cultivated it. 


It was a popular plant due to its ability to hold water and retain it even when grown in dryer and colder climates. Some of the greatest empires in history, including the Roman and Egyptian empires, considered it a luxury food item and highly regarded it as superior to other vegetables.



Health Benefits of Cabbage


1. Cancer


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Cabbage is one of 5 cruciferous vegetables that can neutralize the dangerous products that estrogen creates and provide I3C (indole-3-carbinol). I3C specifically helps to balance hormones and affects estrogen products. 


The two types of estrogen products that exist are called 2-hydroxyestrone and 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone. The estrogen product that is beneficial to you is 2-hydroxyestrone.  


The product 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone can affect the promotion of breast cancer. According to the University of Berkeley, the combination of I3C and tamoxifen, a chemotherapy agent, suppresses tumor growth in breast cancer patients.



2. Inflammation


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Cabbage contains many chemicals that can reduce inflammation, which in turn reduces the chances of disease related to chronic inflammation.


Sulforaphane, a natural plant compound, and other antioxidants in cabbage aid its ability to be used as an anti-inflammatory treatment. Regular intake of cabbage can help prevent chronic inflammation, leading to a decreased chance of overall disease.



3. Pain


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Cabbage is also great for digestion and can be eaten to relieve pain associated with stomach and intestinal issues. It is also recommended for breastfeeding mothers. Applying cabbage leaves to the breasts can relieve pain and swelling.


It can also be used for weaning a baby, as consistent use will dry up milk production. It is now also used to help with joint pain and decrease the pain of osteoarthritis patients. 



4. Swelling


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The antioxidants anthocyanin and glutamine also present in cabbage reduce swelling. Direct application of cabbage can be used in the same way you use a cold pack to reduce swelling. 



Wrapping a body part in cool cabbage reduces swelling and relieves an area that is hot from inflammation.  



A research study posted in the Clinical Journal of Pain found that through a randomized control study of 81 patients with osteoarthritis, the group who wrapped those areas with cabbage leaves saw a significant reduction in swelling and felt a decrease in pain with increased mobility after only 4 weeks.



5. Wound Healing



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The use of cabbage poultices expedites wound healing. Cabbage is excellent for lymphatic drainage and draws out toxins and infections. Infections can range from internal respiratory issues to infections that open wounds may create.



Cabbage is also used in skin infections, even with severe gangrene infections.



6. Diabetes


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Blood sugar levels are factors that a patient with Type II Diabetes has always to be aware of. The imbalance of it can cause serious health issues. A rise in blood sugar levels can lead to diabetic coma and even death. 


Cabbage's antihyperglycemic properties, however, can help reduce blood sugar levels when ingested on a regular basis. 


This supplement to other Diabetic management techniques is an easy and inexpensive way to help patients manage their blood sugar.



7. Heart Disease


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A water-soluble polyphenol called anthocyanin, present in cabbage, increases permeability in capillaries and strengthens them, reducing inflammation and platelet formation while increasing nitric oxide (NO) release. All of these factors combined help decrease the chance of heart attack and heart disease. 



Cabbage Is a True Superfood



Cabbage has numerous health benefits. It combats some of the most serious chronic issues, like inflammation, that can lead to many diseases. As both a prevention method and treatment, cabbage can help decrease the leading causes of disease in America, including heart disease and cancer. Its routine use can make a person live a healthier, longer life with less pain. Cost-effective and easy-to-use cabbage is a true superfood. 






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Choosing a healthy plant-based and vegan diet is most beneficial when it comes to:

  • Higher levels of energy;

  • Improved sleep;

  • Aids in energy and overall happiness;

  • Provides a sense of comfort and relief;

  • Could prevent major diseases such as obesity and diabetes;

  • Accomplish weight-loss and management; and

  • Improves mental and cognitive functioning.

There are really no excuses not to try healthier habits in your everyday life. If you are a man or woman looking for specific benefits of adopting healthier habits or just want to know about the general healing properties of herbs. Please remember to comment or post any health questions, or contact us directly!

Also feel free to share any of your favorite recipes to make and share it with the Assuaged community on our ➡️ Share A Recipe ⬅️ page!



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