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Why Fat is 'The New Normal' - Plus Size and Body Positivity



In the United States, being overweight has become standard for the population, with a study even showing that attempted weight loss has been put on the backburner. The percentage of overweight Americans has gone up over the years, with 53 percent of the population being overweight in 1994, 62 percent in 2004, and 66 percent in 2014. Those attempting to lose weight have also dropped, with the percentage at 55 percent from 1988-1994 and dropping to 49 percent from 2009 through 2014. Those in the overweight category, not the obese category, were less likely to attempt to lose any extra weight. Since the American culture has encouraged body positivity and looking at those who are overweight in a more positive light, they are less likely to incorporate healthier choices into their lives. This article will look at overweight and obesity and discuss different points of view on how body positivity is good and bad.



Why Fat Is Considered the 'New Normal'


The average American is about 23 pounds heavier than they should ideally be to be considered healthy. With the average individual being overweight, it can make sense that most look at a heavier weight as usual. By having more people around who are also overweight, some may begin or continue to believe that their weight is normal and an okay number to be at. So, with the new average body type, the idea of acceptable body size is expanding. Is it true that the average individual’s weight is increasing? In the later portion of the 1980s, 23% of adults were considered obese. Since then, the number of people who are obese has dramatically increased, but that increase may be starting to level off. In fact, over the past several years, the percentage of those who are considered obese has not changed much at all.





What Is the Difference Between Fat and Overweight?


The word ‘fat’ is more linked to anyone above the ideal weight range. The term ‘overweight’ represents someone who has more fat deposits within their body than they should. Obesity also involves an abnormal amount of fat deposits, which are also causing adverse health impacts. These health complications have the potential to lead to type 2 diabetes or heart disease, along with an increased negative toll on bone health and a higher possibility of developing cancer. Obesity can also impact the quality of life in that it can be harder to move around and potentially cause a lessened amount of sleep. Age and gender will also play a role in determining whether someone is overweight or obese.



Is Size 12 Considered Fat?


Multiple factors can determine an individual's body shape, including genetics, lifestyle, age, and gender. So, a healthy weight for one individual can be different for another. So, can we safely determine a singular ideal weight range for all individuals? No, not really. In the past, the average American woman was a size 14. As time passed, the average size increased to between 16 and 18.


Calculating one's BMI can be a good starting point for determining the ideal weight range for an individual. You will need to know your current height and weight to do so. Use these numbers to determine what BMI category you fall under—underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. However, a BMI only considers certain factors. Ideally, one should discuss with their healthcare practitioner if their current weight is a health concern or if they are at a healthy weight.






Are We Still Getting Fatter?


Over the years, the obesity rate in multiple states has continued to grow, now with four in ten adults considered to be obese. There are various reasons why obesity rates continue to increase, including one’s society, biological reasons, genetics, and the environment in which one lives. So, reasons one is obese are not entirely due to personal reasons – they can also be caused by the factors contained within one’s lifestyle. So, to fix the obesity crisis, economic and structural factors must be considered.


According to a study conducted in 2021 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were surprising findings, including that nineteen of the fifty states have obesity rates over 35 percent (specifically for adults). Those with the highest rates are West Virginia, Kentucky, and Alabama, all three having rates between 39 and 41 percent. If you look at studies conducted over a decade ago, you will see that not a single state had obesity rates at this high range, specifically at or above 35 percent. So yes, obesity rates are continuing to grow.


What Is the Concept of Body Positivity?


Body positivity is the viewpoint that all body sizes are beautiful. If you are not at what is considered a “normal” body size, you should be celebrating yourself no matter what and look at yourself in a positive light. The concept of body positivity can still come with negativity for some, however, because it still shows a connection between value and the appearance of the body, which can be difficult for those who deal with body dysmorphia. Examples of body positivity include:

  • Posting notes of positivity in areas where you are most frequently in your household.
  • Avoiding harmful sources of social media.
  • Wearing clothing that makes you feel confident.





How to Achieve Body Positivity


Some ways to achieve body positivity include looking at ways to be healthy, not how to get skinnier, giving compliments to others that remind us of ourselves, and practicing self-care regularly. When working on health goals, do not include a target weight number. Instead, think about the benefits of making healthy decisions, such as how it will improve your physical health and positively impact your mental health. When we are kind to and compliment those who remind us of ourselves, we can link those aspects to our self-image. Self-care can also improve body image with us taking care of ourselves, leading to a better overall feeling mentally and even physically.



Choosing a healthy plant-based and vegan diet is most beneficial when it comes to:

  • Higher levels of energy;

  • Improved sleep;

  • Aids in energy and overall happiness;

  • Provides a sense of comfort and relief;

  • Could prevent major diseases such as obesity and diabetes;

  • Accomplish weight-loss and management; and

  • Improves mental and cognitive functioning.

There are really no excuses not to try healthier habits in your everyday life. If you are a man or woman looking for specific benefits of adopting healthier habits or just want to know about the general healing properties of herbs. Please remember to comment or post any health questions, or contact us directly!





Chang, L. (2010, January 25). Is fat the new normal?  WebMD.

Farberman, R. (n.d.). Nations's obesity epidemic is growing: 19 states have adult obesity rates above 35 percent, up from 16 states last year. Trust for America's Health.

Krouse, L. (n.d.). Tips for body positivity: ways to feel better about our bodies. JED Foundation.

Nunes, M. (2024, March 31). The "healthiest" weight range is different for every body - here's what to know. Byrdie.

Power, J. (2017, March 13). Why obesity is becoming the new normal. The Sydney Morning Herald.

Shields, A. (2019, February 28). 10 ways to practice body positivity. Wellbeing Trust.

World Health Organization. (2024, March 1). Obesity and overweight. World Health Organization.



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