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How To Make Vegan Feta Cheese with Tofu


If you’ve been looking for a vegan alternative for feta cheese that is just as delicious as the original then this is the recipe for you! 


This tofu feta cheese is flavorful, easy to prepare, and is amazing on its own or added to other vegan recipes. Think watermelon feta salad, herbed Greek roasted potatoes, pastas, or even pizzas.


With all these possibilities, this recipe will satisfy that craving for the salty and tangy taste of the original while adding health benefits and subtracting extra calories- a three for one! 


What Are The Health Benefits Of Vegan Feta Cheese? 


Traditional feta cheese has often been touted as healthy as it is lower in calories and fat than other aged cheeses.  However, despite being a source of protein, calcium, and phosphorus- it is higher in saturated fats and contains lactose.


However, by trying out this tofu-based recipe, you would be able to gain all these health benefits at similar or even higher levels than the traditional feta cheese - without the extra saturated fat or lactose. It’s even healthier as this dairy-free alternative has no cholesterol, is a great source of iron, and is ⅓ of the calories of the original! 


How To Make Tofu Feta Cheese


The key to making this tofu feta cheese as close in taste and texture to the real thing is this:

  • Make sure to get extra-firm tofu to allow for proper slicing and crumbling texture
  • Draining and pressing the tofu gets rid of excess water that would make the feta cheese more squishy instead of springy
  • Allow for proper marination and refrigeration time to ensure the richest flavor 


This recipe would even be great for early preparation as it keeps in the fridge for a week- plenty of time to get creative in the kitchen to utilize it in even more recipes! 


If you’re interested in more dairy-free vegan alternative recipes, check these out!

Help support Assuaged and SAVE on great vegan organic products and more with Thrive!


If you make any variations or have any suggestions on how to make this recipe even tastier we’d love to hear for you on the comments below! This awesome Dairy-Free Vegan Feta Cheese recipe was originally posted on KathysVeganKitchen by Kathy Carmichael. Feel free to share how you made this recipe your own on comments below and new ideas with the Assuaged community on our ➡️Share Your Recipe⬅️ page! 

How To Make Tofu Feta Cheese

How To Make Tofu Feta Cheese

Yield: 2 cups
prep time: 10 M cook time: 16 M total time: 26 M



How to make Tofu Feta Cheese

  1. Remove tofu from the package and press using a tofu press or a heavy object like a book wrapped in a fresh cloth or paper towels.
  2. Cut the tofu into four equal large slabs for grilling, then set aside while making the marinade.
  3. Add all the ingredients, except for the chopped parsley, into a high-speed blender, and mix on high.
  4. Once well blended, add fresh parsley and stir into mixture.
  5. Add 1/4 of the marinade to a container, add a row of tofu, more marinade, and repeat until tofu is covered in marinade. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  6. First, pre-heat the grill to 400° F or low (the grill should be hot before adding the tofu).
  7. Remove the tofu from the marinade, but do not discard, save the marinade.
  8. Place marinated tofu directly on the grill or on a grill mat, rotating every 4 minutes, until grill marks appear. About 32 minutes total, or twice on each side.
  9. Remove the tofu from the grill and allow to cool completely, then, cut grilled slabs of tofu into bite-sized cubes.
  10. Return cubed tofu to marinade in an airtight jar and allow to refrigerate again overnight before using. Tofu feta cheese will last 1 week in the refrigerated in an air-tight container once grilled and returned to marinade.
Dairy-free, lactose intolerant, Vegan alternatives, Feta Cheese
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