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Plant-Based Foods That Promote Healthy Blood Flow and Arteries



At Assuaged, we always look for methods and foods to help us look good and feel good. Blood flow is crucial for maintaining good health. It helps our lungs, muscles, and heart to function efficiently and may help us better fight off diseases.




How Do I Increase Blood Flow Naturally?


There are a couple of easy ways to increase blood flow naturally that you can incorporate into your everyday life. 


1. Exercise!


Exercise benefits the body in many ways, and increasing blood flow is just one of the ways. You do not have to do anything strenuous or beyond your comfort zone. Anything to get your blood pumping will help! This includes walking, light jogging, swimming a couple of laps in the pool, hitting the gym, or doing a quick workout. 


2. Drinking Water


Yes, even something as simple as keeping hydrated may drastically help your blood flow! Because a large part of blood is made up of water, drinking water is a good and easy way to keep it light and flowing. It’s recommended that adults consume from 11-15 cups of water per day, so drink up! 


3. Reduce Your Stress Levels


Emotions may strongly influence physical health, which is no different for blood flow. Simple methods of relaxation, such as a short yoga or meditation session, listening to calming music, or even journalling, may greatly help your mental health and, in turn, your physical health as well. 



What Foods Are Good For Blood Circulation?


Luckily, many foods are good for blood circulation, so pick and choose some of your favorites to enjoy!


For example, there are: 

  • Fatty fish - Fish such as salmon and mackerel contain lots of omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for circulation because they help release nitric oxide into the body. This helps dilate your blood vessels, allowing blood to flow better through your veins. Fish oil supplements may do the same thing.
  • Tons of fruit - Generally, eating fruit is healthy for all body parts, and blood flow is no different. Although all fruit are beneficial in some ways, pomegranates, citrus fruits, and berries of any kind stand out in helping our circulation. They decrease inflammation in the body, reducing the stiffness of your arteries and lowering your blood pressure. 
  • Ginger - Like fruits, ginger also reduces inflammation and blood pressure, easing the stress off of our veins and improving circulation. Don’t be afraid to add a bit to your meals! 
  • Liquids - Staying hydrated is a simple and effective way of having healthy circulation. Fruit juices and milk are great alternatives to water for an extra boost. 




What Foods Are Bad For Blood Circulation?


We just mentioned a ton of food that is good for blood circulation. However, what things should we avoid or consume in moderation? 


Here’s a list for you: 

  • Caffeine - coffee and tea do not count towards hydration and may dehydrate you instead. Because of this, it’s important to drink them in moderation, or at least drink plenty of water between your morning cups of joe!
  • Food with lots of sodium - junk food, instant food, and processed foods are known to contain high sodium levels and should be avoided if possible. However, most people don’t realize that some seemingly healthy choices, like soup and bread, also contain lots of sodium. Although it’s okay to eat these foods still (and occasionally indulge in some guilty pleasures), balance it with plenty of fruits and veggies because too much sodium may increase your blood pressure. 
  • Food with too much sugar - like sodium sugar is also damaging to blood flow. Eating food with too much sugar inflamed our body, forcing our arteries to work extra hard and often overexerting them. 





Remember, circulation is essential for looking and feeling good. Good blood flow helps keep our heart healthy, improve brain function, relax the muscles, and reduce heartburn. So, take some extra effort today by considering some of the tips suggested here, and become a better version of yourself! 

Tell us what you know about blood flow or if you’ve tried some of these tips for a healthier lifestyle!




Choosing a healthy plant-based and vegan diet is most beneficial when it comes to:

  • Higher levels of energy;

  • Improved sleep;

  • Aids in energy and overall happiness;

  • Provides a sense of comfort and relief;

  • Could prevent major diseases such as obesity and diabetes;

  • Accomplish weight-loss and management; and

  • Improves mental and cognitive functioning.

There are really no excuses not to try healthier habits in your everyday life. If you are a man or woman looking for specific benefits of adopting healthier habits or just want to know about the general healing properties of herbs. Please remember to comment or post any health questions, or contact us directly!

Also feel free to share any of your favorite recipes to make and share it with the Assuaged community on our ➡️ Share A Recipe ⬅️ page!


Browse more healthy living plant-based recipes

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