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3 Ingredient Healthy Homemade Samoa Cookies - No-Bake and GF


This recipe tastes so close to the real thing, you will feel like you’re eating them right out of the box! This coconut-y chocolate-y treat will fill those Girl Scout Cookie cravings without eating all the palm oil, chemicals, and artificial sweeteners that come along with it. This recipe is so simple and easy, it only takes a few minutes to make.


With only 3 healthy ingredients, these cookies are packed with healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. There is no sugar added in this recipe, instead these cookies rely on the natural sweetness of dates to create that rich caramel flavor and texture similar to Samoas.


Dates have so many healing properties. They are shown to lower cholesterol, improve bone health, and help with digestion! Dates can be replaced with sugar for many recipes, and will make healthier substitutes for sweeteners. 


To make that girl scout cookie taste, use chocolate chips with a smaller percentage of cocoa. If you are like me and love dark chocolate, opt for using dark chocolate chips in this recipe.


If you do not have toasted coconut, it is simple to make yourself. In a medium skillet over medium heat, stir your coconut flakes until it turns slightly brown. This will take about 3-5 minutes and it will smell so fragrant!



  • 1 Cup of Shredded Coconut (lightly toasted)
  • 1 cup of pitted dates
  • ¼ cup of melted chocolate chips
    • 1 Tbsp of Coconut oil (optional)


Got a sweet tooth? Here are some other gluten-free treats to try!



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3 Ingredient Copycat Healthy Girl Scout Samoa Cookies

3 Ingredient Copycat Healthy Girl Scout Samoa Cookies

Yield: 6-8 cookies
prep time: 25 M cook time: 0 M total time: 25 M



How to make 3 Ingredient Copycat Healthy Girl Scout Samoa Cookies

  1. Add coconut and dates in a food processor until well combined. Once the mixture is nicely incorporated, form little cookie shapes and flatten on a pan.
  2. Poke a little hole in each cookie and stick in the freezer for around 10 minutes.
  3. While in the freezer melt chocolate and coconut oil (optional) together in the microwave. Take cookies out of the freezer and dip chocolate on one side of the cookie and place it back on the pan. Drizzle some more chocolate on top and let it set in the freezer for another 10 min.
No-bake Cookies, Homemade girl scout cookies, Vegan Cookies
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"A dietary shift toward plant foods and away from animal products is vital for promoting the health of our planet."

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Ashley Ishibashi

Ashley Ishibashi

I am a health conscious holistic health coach with a thirst for learning about the body and how it can run most efficiently. I tie in aspects of eastern and western approaches to health and nutrition to encompass a well rounded holistic approach to the body. In my free time I love to be workout, teach yoga, hike, and create alternative recipes to foods I love! I have a passion for learning when it comes to health and nutrition. I believe that many chronic diseases are stemmed from lifestyle, and I wish to share the information I know to help others, as well as learn as much as I can to further enrich my knowledge.

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Health has never tasted so good.

Organic and plant-based varieties have proven to reduce the risk and progression of disease. Guess what? You can still have fun on date night indulging in sweets you never knew existed.

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